Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sometimes Things Bug Me!

Cars For Sale!

We see the publications in the super market foyers. We pick them up. We take them home and sometimes even read them. Heck, they’re free – and besides… I’m in the market for a new-to-me car. (The only way I’ll ever purchase a “new” car again is if I am able to pay cash) Plus, I enjoy leafing through free periodicals. Of course, I wouldn’t even be writing about this if I didn’t have some kind of beef with it. Here ‘tis. It absolutely, positively drives me nuts when the advertiser (car lot) doesn’t include the PRICE in the ad! Where’s the logic in this? Oh, they’ll say, “Well, we just want to capture your interest. Then you’ll call and we’ll have you hooked!” Bullshit. The only possible implication I can see is this: the reason you don’t put the price of the car in the ad is because there IS NO price on that car. In other words, “you come to us and we’ll bend you over.” That’s the verbiage that should be used if there are no prices. After all, we wouldn’t go to Wal-Mart and expect to haggle over the price of 409, now would we? Nope. Of course not. That being said, there is no excuse (in fact it should be illegal) for a car lot to NOT put a price of a car in the ad! I make it a point to never buy a car from a lot who practices this blatant deception. Dan O' Day offers very solid advertising logic.

Fat = Disabled

This seems to be the new trend in America. You see them everywhere. They’re so fat, they can’t perform many everyday tasks for themselves. Chris Farley joked about it on SNL. He made it sound funny, but I’m sure there is little humor involved with being morbidly obese. Obviously I don’t know the particulars of any person or persons I’ve seen in this apparent situation. All I see is a hugely fat human riding in a little scooter kindly provided by the store. Sure, they move slowly, take up a ton of extra space and get in your way in the cookie aisle, but the most disturbing part of this to me is the fact that if you follow that person, invariably they have a disabled license plate or at least the placard that hangs from the rear-view mirror. This, to me is quite ridiculous. This, to me screams legislation. Here’s where I’m coming from:
Drugs are illegal. I don’t do drugs, but how does it harm me if the guy next door is a junkie? Unless he victimizes someone (commits a crime), he has done nothing wrong. If he (or any person) commits a crime, he goes to jail. Brilliant, eh? Stay with me… it gets deeper.
There is no difference in drugging yourself to death, or eating yourself to death. In fact, I contend that drug addicts are better for society. If a person is addicted to drugs, they will, most likely, at some point miss a day of work. That day will become two and so on. They’ll lose their job and eventually commit a crime and go to jail. OR… that person will embrace his addiction and work his tail off daily in order to get that treat after the day is done. Either way, if the drug addict commits a crime, he goes to jail. He would then be much less of a drain on societal resources (jail vs. welfare) and subsequently be absent from the whole equation. If that drug addict remains a productive part of the culture, it is no other person’s business what he does on his own time – provided he is not victimizing anyone (committing crimes).

If a person is so fat they can’t walk, they’ve drugged their bodies with food – so much so that our social “safety net” programs come to the rescue. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE! Harming your own body by whatever means is YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Whether you do it with illegal drugs or perfectly legal food, it is the same thing. Neither should be against the law. (However, people who are so fat they can’t walk who ALSO do drugs, should be shot on sight, then served in Jenny Craig microwave meals.)

Remove all prison inmates who have committed only drug offenses, and you’d have PLENTY of room for real criminals. I’ve heard it said: “That guy’s lucky… he killed that other guy and got 7 years for manslaughter – good thing he didn’t have a joint on him or he’d have gotten life!” So dang ol’ true, man.

So if you’re not a fan of the seat belt law or any other law in place that robs you of your personal freedoms, you are not alone. Don’t bother writing any state or federal officials, as they won’t hear your cry – unless you can show them how to profit from your cry.

These are just a couple of things that really tick me off. Today’s my son’s 3rd birthday, so maybe when I come back to work on Tuesday I’ll post a little something about my 4-day weekend. Or not.

Until then…


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